Selasa, 14 Januari 2020


kemarin aku berbincang lg dengan bos kantor lain setelah 2tahun lamanya.
Beliau memberikan sharing banyak sekali kepada ku dan kawan2ku.
Kami diberikan arahan dalam bekerja seperti pengadaan proyek.
Action yang harus disegerakan :

  1. Checklist semua perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan pada saat proyek (baik hardware maupun software)
  2. banyak2 bertanya kepada hal yang belum dimengerti
  3. Buatlah Berita Acara Serah Terima (BAST) sebagai dokumen pelengkap
  4. Selalu upadet terhadap situasi yang dikerjakan.
  5. Memahami isi PO dan kondisi saat ini..
Demikian smoga bermanfaat, terima kasih

1 komentar:

  1. Let me tell you something...

    This might sound a little creepy, maybe even kind of "strange"

    HOW would you like it if you could just press "PLAY" to listen to a short, "musical tone"...

    And suddenly attract MORE MONEY to your life???

    And I'm talking about BIG MONEY, even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!!

    Sounds way too EASY??? Think it couldn't possibly be REAL??

    Well, Let me tell you the news...

    Sometimes the most significant blessings in life are the EASIEST!!

    Honestly, I will provide you with PROOF by letting you listen to a real-life "miracle abundance tone" I've produced...

    And do it FREE (no strings attached).

    YOU just push "PLAY" and the money will start coming into your life... starting pretty much right away...

    CLICK here now to play this magical "Miracle Money-Magnet TONE" - it's my gift to you!!
