Rabu, 20 Maret 2024

DevNet Associate (Version 1.0) - DevNet Associate Module 4 Exam


1.       In the REST API request URI example http://example.com/update/person?id=42&email=person%40example.com , which term describes the component example.com ?



authority (True)





Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is using a Python script to send a REST API request. What is the purpose of the line of code resp = requests.get(url, verify = False) ?

 It omits the sending URL in the response.

 It tests the function of the Python requests library.

 It bypasses the certificate validation check. (True)

 It skips the URL verification step and tests the resource path


3.       3Which characteristic of the SOAP architecture specifies communication between all similar and dissimilar application types?

Independence (True)



 interface uniformity


4.       What is the meaning of the term flow as it relates to the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework?


It is a process for an API user to obtain an access token from the authorization server. (True)

It is the number of requests contained in the token bucket.

It is a process for an API request to send authentication credentials to a web service.

It is the sequence of data exchanged between a REST API request and a response.


5.       Which type of credential information is used for the bearer authentication in REST APIs?

 a string generated by an authentication server (True)

 a username and password set by the client

 an MD5 hash string generated by the client application

 a password encoded using Base64




6.       Which API architectural style uses an XML-based messaging protocol to communicate between applications?

SOAP (True)





7.       Which SOAP message root element defines the XML document as a SOAP message?

 Meta tag


 Envelope (True)




Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is using a Python script to test a REST API request. The traceback message indicates that there is an error in the URI. What is a possible issue?


The query component is missing.

The destination host address is wrong. (True)

The protocol is wrong.

The SSL certificate is invalid.


9.       Which HTTP response status code indicates that the user is not authenticated to access the site?



 401 (True)




10.   In which situation would a synchronous API be used?


when the client is not required to take action

when data is being retrieved from a database (True)

when a server is not part of the process

when the original API request or data from the request is delayed


11.   What are two purposes for using rate limits on public and unrestricted APIs? (Choose two.)

to provide better service and response time to all users (True)

to limit the number of passwords that a client can have in making API requests

 to avoid a server overloading from too many requests at the same time (True)

 to ensure a client uses a multifactor authentication mechanism

 to limit the number of authorization requests per API call



13.   A network engineer is learning about Rest APIs. When executing a particular API, the server responds with curl. How is this information useful?


Curl shows the URL used in the API request.

Curl shows the information the API returned from the server.

Curl shows the retrieved information in JSON format.

Curl shows how to access the content displayed in the response body using curl (True)


14.   What is an architectural constraint to which a true RESTful API web service must adhere?

It operates as a cloud service.

It must operate along with a DNS server.

It operates in a stateless way. (True)

It uses HTTPS to transport data.


15.   What is a characteristic of a RESTful API?

It uses HTTP methods to gather and manipulate data. (True)

It is a southbound API.

It supports a secure data transmission between a remote user and an enterprise network.

It facilitates the configuration changes from a network controller to end devices.


16.   A client is sending a REST API request to a web server. The request includes the need for data compression. Which three values are acceptable for the Accept-Encoding request header? (Choose three.)

Br (True)



gzip (true)









Jumat, 15 Maret 2024

Kuis Software Development and Design


1.       Which software development methodology prescribes that developers follow a strict process order by completing one step in the SDLC process before proceeding to the next step.

a.       Lean

b.       Scrum

c.       Agile

d.       Waterfall (True)

The Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach. The phases follow a linear sequential flow. Where each phase begins only when the previous phase is complete.


2. Which SDLC development methodology employs many quick iterations known as sprints?

a.       Agile (True).

In the agile software development model the SDLC process is conducted in many quick iterations called sprints.

b.       Waterfall.

c.       Extreme Programming.

d.       Lean


3. Which two programming components are defined as blocks of code that perform tasks when executed? (Choose two.)

a.       Parameter.

b.       Arguments.

c.       Methods (True).

d.       Objects.

e.       Functions (True).

Methods and functions are both blocks of code that perform tasks when executed. Functions are stand alone code blocks whereas methods are code blocks associated with an object


4. A developer wants to find the location of the Python 3 executable file. Which command should the developer use ?

a.       Which python3 (True).

The linux command which application is used to find a specific application (in specific directories as defined by the PATH environment variable).

b.       Find python3.

c.       Locate python3.

d.       Where python3


5.  Which SDLC phase concludes with functional code that satisfies customer requirements and is ready to be tested?

a.       Maintenance.

b.       Implementation (True).

There are six phases in the SDLC process:

1.       Requirements & Analysis: The product owner and qualified team members gather the requirements for the software to be built.

2.       Design: Software architects and developers design the software based on the provided software request specification.

3.       Implementation: developers take the design documentation and develop the code according to that design. At the conclusion of this phase, functional code that implements customer requirements is ready to be tested.

4.       Testing: Test engineers take the code and install it into the testing environment  so they can follow the test plan.

5.       Deployment: the software is installed into the production environment.

6.       Maintenance: the development team provides support for customers and works on software improvements.

c.        Deployment.

d.       Testing


6. what are the three states of a Git file? (Choose three)

a.       deleted

b.       modified (True) = The file has changed but has not been committed to the repository.

c.       staged (True) = The modified file is ready to be committed to the repository.

d.       locked

e.       secured

f.        commited (True) = The version of the file saved in the .git directory


7. which term is used to describe the first line of an XML document?

a.       preamble

b.       introduction

c.       prologue (True)

the XML prologue, which is the first line in an XML document, has a special format represented by a bracketed <? And ?>.

d.       opening.


8. how does an application use a module in Python?

a.       through the include statement

b.       by using an assignment statement with a variable

c.       by calling the module name

d.       through the import statement (True)

A module, in Python, is a Python file with packaged functions. When functions contained in a module are needed in an application in Python, the application uses the import statement to include these functions in the application.


9. what is the role of the controller component in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) flow?

a.       it takes in user input and manipulates it to fit the format for the model or view.

b.       it provides visual representations and presentations of the data.

c.       It accepts selected data and display it to the user.

d.       it takes user input and manipulates it to the proper format for the model. (True)

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern abstracts code and responsibility into three distinct components: model, view, and controller. The controller accepts the input, manipulates the data , and sends the manipulated data to the model.


10. which code review method involves the developer going through the code line-by-line with the reviewer, allowing the developer to make changes on the spot?

a.       email pass-around

b.       formal

c.       change-based

d.       over-the-shoulder (True)

In a over-the-shoulder code review the developer who wrote the code goes through the code changes line by line with a reviewer who provides feedback. In this type of review the code can be changed on the spot so that the reviewer can re-review it on the spot

Kuis Cisco Packet Tracer



1.       From the PC or Laptop, open a web browser and navigate to cisco.srv. Open the link titled A small page. What is the message displayed on the page?

a.       Enjoy our website!

b.       Welcome to Cisco!

c.       Hello, world! (TRUE)

d.       This is a small page


2.       Which device connects to the Wireless Router wirelessly?

a.       Laptop (TRUE)

b.       Server

c.       PC

d.       Cable modem


3.       Refer to the exhibit. What description matches the function of the Packet Tracer devices shown?

a.       Security devices

b.       Cabling components

c.       Networking devices

d.       IoT devices (TRUE)


4.       A network administrator is using Packet Tracer to mock up a network that Includes IoT devices. What can the administrator do from the Physical tab of any IoT device?

a.       Change pin connections

b.       Change the power supply

c.       Turn the device on or off (TRUE)

d.       Increase of decrease wattage


5.       What must be done to activate the Registration Server?

a.       Under the Services tab you need to turn the IoT Registration Server (True)

b.       Sign in to the server web browser and activate the server.

c.       Click on the Registration tab and then look for IoT button.

d.       Nothing it is activated by default


6.       Which two steps must be followed in order to view a working graph or chart of environmental changes (Choose two.)

a.       Select an environment element. (True)

b.       Select the InterCity container.

c.       Pause the current time.

d.       Choose the Always on Top box

e.       Be in View Mode (True)


7.       How will a Packer Tracer environment be affected if a heater is added to a container named Branch Office and turned on ?

a.       The temperature inside Branch Office will increase, and child containers within it will not be affected.

b.       The temperature inside the Branch Office will increase along with any child containers that exist within Branch Office (True).

c.       The temperature inside the Branch Office container will increase along with the parent container.

d.       The temperature inside Branch Office will increase along with all containers in Packet Tracer

8.       Refer to the exhibit. A user is building a home wireless network within Packer Tracer. The user adds 2 PCs and 2 laptops. Which device would be needed to create the network?

a.       The device labeled D

b.       The device labeled B

c.       The device labeled A (True)

d.       The device labeled C


9.       Refer to the exhibit. A user is creating a wired and wireless network using Packet Tracer. The user has added a home wireless router, a PC, and a laptop. The user configures the home wireless router. Which icon represent the tool that can be used on the laptop to view the SSID and connect to the wireless router?

a.    Command Prompt.

b.    IP Configuration

c.     PC Wireless (True).

d.    Web Browser


10.   What device, available in Packet Tracer, provides a centralized way to monitor and configure multiple compatible network devices from a single graphical user interface (GUI)?

a.    A cluster.

b.    A firewall.

c.     A network controller (True).

d.    A home gteway


11. A Packet Tracer exercise requires you to use wall mounts, color-coded cables, and bendpoints to organize your network cabling in a realistic way. What term relates to what you are doing?

 a. clustering.

b. structured cabling (True).

c. logical mode cabling.

d. tethering.

Senin, 12 Februari 2024

Selasa, 06 Februari 2024


 JavaScript Introduction

-> Client-Side Scripting Language

-> It is untyped, multi paradigm, functional, event driven

-> It is Interpreted by browser's javascript engine

JavaScript Advantages

-> Less Server Interactions 

-> Better Performance

-> Richer Interface

-> Increased Interactivity

JavaScript Arrays

-> Let's you store multiple values in a single variable

-> It stores a fixed size sequential collection of elements

-> To access any element, we need to pass the index


--> var fruits = new Array ("apple","orange","mango");

--> var fruits = ["apple","orange","mango"];


--> fruits [0] is the first element

--> fruits [1] is the second element

--> fruits [2] is the third element

Jenis Data Analisis

  • Deskriptif (Descriptive): Jenis analisis yang digunakan untuk meringkas dan menggambarkan data secara sistematis. Ini mencakup statistik ringkasan, seperti mean, median, dan mode, serta teknik visualisasi data seperti diagram batang, histogram, dan diagram lingkaran. Analisis deskriptif membantu dalam memahami pola, distribusi, dan karakteristik dasar dari kumpulan data.
  • Diagnostik (Diagnostic): Analisis diagnostik bertujuan untuk menentukan penyebab dari suatu kejadian atau fenomena. Ini melibatkan identifikasi hubungan sebab-akibat antara variabel-variabel dalam data. Teknik analisis diagnostik mencakup analisis regresi, analisis korelasi, dan analisis varians, yang membantu dalam memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil tertentu.
  • Prediktif (Predictive): Jenis analisis yang digunakan untuk memprediksi hasil di masa depan berdasarkan pola dan tren dalam data historis. Ini melibatkan penggunaan model statistik atau pembelajaran mesin untuk membuat prediksi yang akurat. Contoh model prediktif termasuk regresi logistik, pohon keputusan, dan jaringan saraf tiruan. Analisis prediktif berguna dalam peramalan bisnis, risiko keuangan, dan pengambilan keputusan di berbagai bidang.
  • Preskriptif (Prescriptive): Analisis preskriptif melangkah lebih jauh dari analisis prediktif dengan memberikan rekomendasi tentang tindakan yang harus diambil untuk mencapai hasil tertentu. Ini melibatkan integrasi antara data prediktif dengan pengetahuan domain dan preferensi pengguna untuk menghasilkan saran atau keputusan yang optimal. Teknik analisis preskriptif termasuk optimisasi matematis, sistem pakar, dan analisis skenario. Analisis preskriptif membantu dalam mengoptimalkan strategi bisnis, pengelolaan sumber daya, dan pengambilan keputusan kompleks lainnya.

Data Analyst = tanggung jawab di tipe descriptive & diagnostic

Data Science = tanggung jawab di tipe perdictive dan prescriptive

Jumat, 02 Februari 2024

5 fungsi Excel paling dibutuhin seorang Data Analyst


Saat mengolah data, terkadang kita bakal menemukan beberapa value yang masih kosong. Buat mendeteksi data yang kosong ini, kita bisa menggunakan metode Isna() di Python. 

Tapi buat para pemula, kamu juga bisa kok, melakukan hal yang sama di Excel! Caranya dengan fungsi COUNTBLANK. Fungsi ini bakal menghitung jumlah sel kosong dalam satu rentang sel. 

Rumusnya: =COUNTBLANK(range)


VLOOKUP adalah salah satu fungsi terpenting yang harus diketahui semua Data Analyst. Rumus ini akan memudahkanmu saat mencari data yang disusun dalam kolom vertikal, baik dalam sheet yang sama atau di sheet yang berbeda.

Rumusnya: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_number)

3. RANK 

Mengurutkan data termasuk hal penting yang bisa memudahkanmu dalam pembacaan dan analisa data.

Kamu bisa menggunakan fungsi RANK di Excel untuk mengurutkan peringkat suatu data numerik jika dibandingkan dengan data numerik lainnya dalam sebuah daftar.

Rumusnya: =RANK(number, list)

(Number adalah angka yang peringkatnya ingin kamu tentukan, dan list adalah rentang sel yang berisi daftar angka dalam sheet-mu.)


IFERROR adalah fungsi yang berguna untuk mengganti hasil error dari sebuah rumus menjadi pesan khusus sesuai keinginanmu.

Ini akan berguna saat kamu ingin mempresentasikan datamu ke orang lain. Kamu bisa menghindari munculnya pesan error seperti "0" atau "#VALUE!" yang mungkin belum dipahami semua orang.

Rumusnya: =IFERROR(value, value_if_error)


Dengan jumlah data yang banyak, terkadang kita bakal kesulitan untuk menemukan di mana letak data yang kita mau. Cara mudahnya, kamu bisa pakai fungsi MATCH.

Fungsi MATCH mencari nilai tertentu dalam rentang sel, dan menunjukkan posisi dari nilai ini.

Rumusnya: =MATCH(value, array)

Sabtu, 27 Januari 2024

Kuis Cisco

1. Which action resolves a 401 error response to an HTTP GET that is issued to retrieve statement using RESTCONF on a CSR1000V ?

a. Change the HTTP method to PUT
b. Change the transport protocol to HTTPS
c. Check the MIMF types in the HTTP headers
d. Check the authentication credentials (TRUE)

 2.  What is the purpose of the Cisco VIRL software tool?

        a.  To verify configuration againts compliance standards
        b. To simulate and model networks (TRUE)
        c.  To automate API workflows
        d. To test performance of an applicatio

3. Which concept describe test-driven development?

        a.   It enables code refactoring
        b.  Write a test before writing code (TRUE)
        c.   Tests are created when code is ready for release
        d.   User acceptance testers development the test requirements

4. An application calls a REST API and expects a results set of more than 550 records, but each time the calls is made, only 25 are returned. Which feature limits the amount of data that is returned by the API ?       
        a.       Pagination (TRUE)
        b.       Payload limit
        c.       Rate limiting
        d.       Service timeouts

5. Which encoding format do YANG interfaces support?
a.       JSON (TRUE)
b.       BER
c.       XHTML
d.       Plain text


6.  A developer is writing an application that a REST API and the application requires a valid from the API which element of the response is used in the conditional check?

a.       URL

b.       Status code (TRUE)

c.       Link

d.       Body

7. Which line is an example of the start of a chunk from a unified diff?
a.       @@-90,88+20191008T134@@
b.       @@-20191007T1200+88,90@@
c.       @@-20191007T1200+20191008T1349@@
d.       @@-88,10+88,6@@ (TRUE)


8. Which REST architectural constraint indicates that no client context should be stored on the server between requests?
a.       Stateless (TRUE)
b.       Uniform interface
c.       Cacheable
d.       Client-server

9. Which description can be given to an application that is interacting with a webhook?
a.       Processor
b.       Codec
c.       Listener (TRUE)
d.       Transaction monitor

10.  Which two statement describe the role of an artifact repository in a CI/CD pipeline?
a.       An artifact repository allows to compare and merge changes in the source code of files involved in
b.       An artifact repository is needed only for CI/CD pipeline execute on a public cloud infrastructur
c.       An artifact repository provides traceability, search, and management of binary files (TRUE)
d.       An artifact repository is needed only for managing open-source software

11. When a Cisco IOS XE networking device is configured using RESTCONF, what is the default dataencoding
a.       XML
b.       X-form-encoding
c.       YANG (TRUE)
d.       YAML

12. What is the outcome of executing this command? Git clone ssh://john@example.com/path/to/my-project_git
a.       Creates a local copy of a repository called “my project” (TRUE)
b.       Creates a copy of a branc called “my project”
c.       Initiates a new Git repository called “my project”
d.       Creates a new branch called “my project”

13. What is security benefit of a Docker-based application?
a.       Guarantees container images are secured and free of vulnerabilities
b.       Prevents information leakage that can occur when unhandled exceptions are returned in HTTP responses
c.       Allows for separation of application that traditionally run in the same host (TRUE)
d.       Natively secures access to secrets that are used by the running application 

14. When using the Besh shell, how it the output of the devnet command saved to a tile named “ouput.txt”?
a.       Devnet & output.txt
b.       Devnet > output.txt (TRUE)
c.       Devnet < output.txt
d.       Devnet | output.txt

15. What is characteristic of Bare Metal environments that are related to application deployment?
a.       Provide the hypervisor to host virtual servers
b.       Specifically designed for container-based workloads
c.       Provides workloads with access to hardware features (TRUE)
d.       Not compatible with other cloud services such as Paas or SaaS offerings

16. Which PAI is used to obtain data voicemail ports?
a.       Finesse gadgets
b.       Cisco unified communications manager (TRUE)
c.       Webex devices
d.       Webex teams


17. In python, which expression checks whether the script returns a success status code when the Requests library is used?
a.       Response.status_code==requests.ok
b.       Respons.status_code==requests.codes.ok (TRUE)
c.       Response.code==requests.codes.ok
d.       Response.status_code!==requests.codes.ok

18. Which statement about authentication a RESTCONF API session with a router that runs Cisco IOS XE software is true?
a.       OAuth must be used
b.       A token must be retrieved, and the associated string must be embedded in the X-Auth-Token header
c.       Basic authentication must be used (TRUE)
d.       No authentication is required

19. An automation script fails to connect to an internal server exactly 1 out 2 times is is executed. This behaviour is seen from different clients. Which networking device must be at fault?
a.       Laptop on which the scripted is running
b.       Router
c.       Switch
d.       Load balancer (TRUE)

20. Which device is a system thath monitors, and control incoming and outgoing network traffic basedon predetermined security rules?
a.       Switch
b.       Router
c.       Firewall (TRUE)
d.       Load balancer